What did
Brisk Technology do
Anything that was missing, anything that needed to be corrected, anything that needed to be added, they seemed to be there all the time. And of course, they were able to do it many times remotely. But there were days whenever we had their service engineers here helping us not only with the epos system, but also with our WIFI system and other IT components.
They’ve just given us such a great package that we do rely upon them. We can do that because, quite frankly, they’re there. And as I’ve already said, 24/7 absolutely have no doubt I would recommend them. And in fact, I’ve done so. The people from whom we bought this restaurant have, set up in, groomsport restaurant, and we brought them here, showed them our system, introduced them to EPOS NI and they have provided them with their system in Groomsport and they’re equally delighted with it.